From The Brooding Persian to one and all
On this March equinox, the first day of spring and of the Iranian New Year.
Here is to Ruth, Disobedience, Rebelliousness, Perseverance, Patience,
Curiosity and Wonder.
And in the absence of peace on this earth as always,
to another fleeting year, minimal torments, swift wars and rapid deaths.
For the multilingual among you, from a friend, the only bearable prayer in memory:
چه دعایی کنمت بهتر از این
خنده ات از ته دل
گریه ات از سر شوق
روزگارت همه شاد
سفره ات رنگارنگ و
تنی سالم و شاد ..... که بخندی همه عمر
بهاران خجسته باد